LOCATION / DIRECTIONS: LOCATION / DIRECTIONS: Travel US-36 to Fletcher. Turn south at the light onto St. Rte. 589; go 2 miles. Turn east onto Loy Road. Go approx. 2 miles on Loy to Auction Site at 6390 Loy Road, Fletcher, OH 45326. (On-site parking)
New Date TBD
Tractor - Backhoe - Equip. - Trailer - 5th Wheel Camper - Lawn & Garden Equipment –Shop Tools - Glassware - Antique & Collectibles
TRACTOR – BACKHOE – EQUIP. – TRAILER: Farmall 460 gas N.F. & fast hitch; Case 580B backhoe w/24” bucket; Intl. 7’ sickle bar mower w/fast hitch; Bushog 3-pt post auger; New Idea #12 manure spreader (parts-only); JD 5-bottom plow; Intl. #510 4-bottom plow; trail type sprayer; set of clamp-on forks; set of 24-5X32 BFG tires (cut for pulling); 15+ IH 100# suitcase weights; misc half & full wheel weights; JD rear tractor rims; 105-gal L fuel tank & several others; tractor radio; farm & truck wheels; Dodge chrome wheel caps; West Coast mirrors; Myers 7’ snow blade; Corn Pro gooseneck flatbed w/dual wheel tandem axles – 23-1/2’ with 8-1/2’ beavertail & ramps – 10,000 GVW.
TRUCKS – AUTOMOBILES – 5TH WHEEL CAMPER: 1997 Dodge 3500 dually w/Cummins – cab & half – manual – 316,268 miles; Chevrolet Caprice LTZ w/5.7 liter (non-running); 2002 Mini-Cooper – good shape (VIN WMWRC33462TE10057); Challenger 34’ 5th wheel camper w/3 slide-outs – Model 34TSB.
OTHER RELATED – LAWN & GARDEN: IH 1066 parts tractor (started as a pulling project); various other tractor parts; Troy Bilt horse tiller; Troy Bilt pony tiller; 1968 Cub Cadet Model 104 garden tractor & front blade; 721 Grasshopper mower (project); Craftsman YT3000 riding mower; MTD 38” riding mower; several push mowers; various hand & power lawn & garden items; EarthWay precision seeder w/plates; “new” Troy Bilt mower lift; skid of lump coal; lawn cart; lawn roller.
SHOP & RELATED: Lincoln arc welder – gas engine – 1968 pipeline; accet/oxy outfit; extra bottles; many welding & cutting access.; Wilton vise & other; Martinville small anvil; DeWalt 3,500 power washer; Craftsman 12-spd drill press; Craftsman 10” table saw; 2-1/2 ton floor jack & other; several bottle jacks; Dayton gang box; Dee-Zee truck box; old tire changer; several torpedo heaters; shop lights; pipe welding stands; shop crane; engine stand; torque wrenches; Craftsman elect. ½” impact; various power tools; ¾ drive sockets; many Craftsman sockets – wrenches & other brand tools; large size wrenches; tools of every trade; pipe tools; Craftsman mechanics tool chests; many other tool boxes; Stihl chain saw; Craftsman 25-gal compressor; air tank; 30-ton shop press; c-clamps; porta-power outfit; taps – dies – drill bits; specialty tools; fiberglass & alum. step & ext. ladders; long-handle tools; chain binders; log chains; ratchet straps; a lot of shop smalls & hardwares; (2) 100-lb. propane tanks & others; Schaffer butt fan on cart; various 4-H livestock needs.
FENTON GLASSWARE – ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLES: 335+ pcs. of very elegant Fenton glass incl. lamps – baskets – vases – figurines & many unique pcs. & colors; copper apple butter kettle; iron butcher kettle & spider stand; Hillsboro #3 dinner bell & other; various cast iron skillets & dutch ovens; old wheat cradle; primitive tools; galv. double wash tub; galv. cans & tubs; wooden egg carrier; potato crates; platform scales; (2) wringer washers; old tins; RR lantern; barn lanterns; oil lamps; wooden pulleys; Ampco Akron #241 cream can; #10 & #8 crocks; #4 crock butter churn; other crockery; Hayner whiskey bottle & other bottles; svc. of 8 Contessa fine china; svc. of 8 Lenox fine china; humpback trunks; Singer treadle sewing machine; CCX toy semi; belt buckles – some costume jewelry; schoolmarm bell; many misc country primitives; granitewares; primitive tinder/feed box; snow sleds; walking plow; well pump; coal buckets; vintage lighted plastic Christmas yard ornaments.
OTHER – HOUSEHOLD – FURNITURE & RELATED: Hobart ind. meat slicer; many canning jars & needs; tanning bed; mini fridge; “new in box” Pendelton wood heat stove; Maytag washer; GE dryer; chest freezer; refrig/freezer; many everyday & cook wares; Rainbow sweeper & others.
OTHER MISC & RELATED: Dino gas pump; steel barrels; 5th wheel camper hitch; Reese hitches; dog house; 3-sections of 8”X10’ sched. pipe; animal cage; ammo boxes; turkey fryer; fishing poles; Carhartt apparel; old reloader press; copper tubing; project iron; full bucket of hyd. oil; 14+ bags softener salt; 6’ wooden picnic table.
New Date TBD
AUCTIONEERS NOTE – We are digging through & finding more picker’s finds all the time so please plan to attend. Using two-ring system – bring a friend.
TIMES: Starting on misc in mixed order. Larger rolling stock & equip @ approx. 11:30AM; Fenton glass at approx. 12:30PM, and followed by furniture.
MC, Visa, Discover w/4% surcharge. Inventory subject to change. Food & restroom.